The standard uniform for an Apothecary is a white suit of power armour. Chapter heraldry is displayed on the Apothecary's left shoulder pad. The right shoulder pad displays the Prime Helix icon of the Apothecaion. Company badge are worn on the knee pads or leg armour. A number of variants of the Helix are shown here, any of which may be worn by an Apothecary. In some Chapters the Apothecary's white uniform is combined with the Chapter's standard heraldry but usually the helmet, back pack (or medi-pack) and shoulder pads will be white.

The Apothecarion is the Chapter's medical and bio-engineering department. It is staffed by the Chapter's medics or Apothecaries. These are Marines who are trained to undertake the routine medical and surgical duties needed to keep the warriors in peak fighting condition. They are also the keepers of the Chapter's biological legacy, the banks of stored gene-seed. The source of this gene-seed is the Space Marines themselves. Each one carries replicating organ implants called the progenoids. These amazing organs absorb genetic information from the Marine's body. If a Marine dies the progenoids can be removed and the Apothecaries are able to use the information stored within to create new implants. These new implants are essential to the creation of new Marines.

The life of the Chapter is wholly dependent on the skills of the Apothecaries to collect the progenoids and bio-engineer new recruits.

Space Marines rarely go into battle without an Apothecary since if a Marine dies and his body is lost or destroyed then his valuable gene-seed is lost to the Chapter as well. If a brother Marine falls in battle the Apothecary can administer immediate aid, binding wounds or performing emergency surgery so that the Marine can fight on. Failing that the Apothecary can at least ensure that the Marine's death is not totally in vain by collecting his gene-seed and returning it to the bio-vaults, ultimately to be recycled in the form of a new warrior.

Each Company has an Apothecary. Additional Apothecaries staff the Apothecarion although these rarely take to the field of battle. Their duties are concerned with the maintenance of the bio-vaults, training and research.

Apothecary of 2nd Company Novamarines

Apothecary of 3rd Company Ultramarines

Apothecary of 2nd Company Genesis Chapter
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